A leather knitting project bag from Re:Designed is the perfect way to store and transport your project in style. Each leather knitting bag is assembled by hand, ensuring a quality finished product that will last. If you like the style of Re:Designed bags, we also suggest browsing our collection of muud knitting bags.
We are happy to offer free UK delivery on orders over £75.
Re:Designed is a Danish company that started in 2003 making luxury leather handbags. They then launched Project: which is their collection of high quality project bags and notions pouches designed with yarn crafters in mind. Each bag is hand assembled by skilled artisans using 100% leather resulting in an elegant and timeless bag that will last - consume less, buy better.
The team at Re:Designed is fully committed to building a brand that is sustainable on every level, down to the tags they put on their products. All their leather is organic and sourced from branches of the meat industry where the animals are guaranteed to be treated well.
With 90% of their goods being shipped by sea, their CO2 emissions drop even further.
If you require any further information on our Re:Designed bags or other knitting project bags, our experts are on hand to support. Just get in touch with us, we’d be happy to help you!
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